The TOP Penang, Theme Park Penang
Time & Date
8 Jan 2023 (Sunday)
7.00am - 11.00am
Race Category
Tower Run, Run/Skywalk Combo
1) There are two categories of Tower Runners:
Men Open and Women Open
2) Within each of these categories, there are three groups of runners:
Elite, Competitive and Non-Competitive.
3) Qualification as An Elite
Below are the different tiers of elite qualification criteria:
Tier 1 - Tower running World Association Ranking
Tier 2 - Top 10 in Latest Malaysia Tower running Races (Sibu Tower Run 2020 to Exchange 106 Run to the Sky 2019 to Yayasan TM International Tower Run 2019 to The Top Penang International Tower Run 2019)
Tier 3 - 5k (from 2019) Men < 20:00 Women <25:00
Tier 4 - 10k (from 2019) Men <42:30 Women <52:30
Tier 5 - HM (from 2019) Men <1:30:00 Women <2:00:00
Tier 6 - FM (from 2019) Men <3:30:00 Women <4:30:00
4) COMPETITIVE Runner- Want to finish fast and strong.
The system will schedule you in the front.
5) NON-COMPETITIVE Runner - - Aim to finish only.
The system will schedule you after the competitive category.
All of the above are eligible to win in either the Men Open or Women Open categories.
6) Flag off Arrangement:
Flag off sequence:
Men Elite => Women Elite => Men Comp => Women Comp => Men Not Comp => Women Not Comp
1 runner will be released at every 5s interval
Flag off duration per group: 30 minutes
(depends on number of participants in each group)
Interval time between each group: 3 minutes
After finishing the Tower Run at the TOP, runners will be given the light breakfast, and guided to the stairs coming down to which floor...
7) There will be first aid for every 5 floors;
8) There will be a marshal with dry cloth at every 3 floors from 10th floor onwards;
9) There will be water station every 15th floor;
10) Emergency Exit: Lift from 68th down to 65th, change from 65th to 6th floor
11) Basic Information about the Komtar TOP tower:
Started construction in 1974, completed in 1986. 12 years of
Height: 249m
Elevation Climb: 249m
Number of floors: 68
Number of steps: 1,381 steps
Number of steps per flight: 20 (21 at 9th floor)
Step height: 15.8 - 17.8 cm
Step depth: 28cm
Step width: 138cm
Height of the handrail: 88cm
Direction of the staircase: Anti-clockwise
12) Timing Mat Location:
START- On the ground floor before the first step at the stair
entrance to the TOP
FINISH - End at the end of the staircase at 68th floor
12) Event schedule
Time | Event |
6:30am | Arrival and checking in of Tower runners |
7:00am | Start of Tower Run - flag off by The TOP Senior Management |
10:00am | Prize Presentation (speeches by VIP) |
11:00am | Arrival of last runner |
9:30am | End of Tower Run |
Registration Fee Per Pax
(excluding 6% administration charges)
Besides Tower Run itself, there will be 1 add on
Combo 1= Tower Run + Rainbow Skywalk
Tower Run Run/Skywalk Combo
Early Bird* 63 98
Standard 70 105
*Early Bird Period - until 10th Oct 2022
Close of Registration - 31st Dec 2022
2. Runners Entitlements
Description | Run | Rainbow Skywalk | ||
Running Tee or singlets | ✔ | ✔ | | |
Personalized bibs | ✔ | ✔ | | |
Timing chips | ✔ | ✗ | | |
Prizes - Top 5 Finishers (Men & Women) | ✔ | ✔ | | |
Finisher Medal | ✔ | ✗ | | |
E Certificate with timing | ✔ | ✗ | | |
Certificate without timing | ✗ | ✔ | | |
Goodies bag | ✔ | ✔ | | |
Light breakfast | ✔ | ✔ | | |
One day complimentary personal accident insurance | ✔ | ✔ | |
Date: Sat 7th Jan 2023
Time: 2:00pm - 9:00pm
Venue: Level 2, The TOP Penang Theme Park
** Please note that Race Pack will not be issued on the event day.
Required documents for collection:
1. NRIC to be presented during collection (for verification purposes).
2. .List of the participants and their NRIC Numbers, and the NRIC of the person
collecting on behalf (for bulk / group collections*).
For bulk / group collection for five runners and above, group leaders will need to email the list of runners to seowkong.ng@endurancenature.com.my by 31st Dec 2022
12. Event Tee Shirt
11) Certificates
Runners who have completed the Tower Run will be able to download their certificates from www.runnersunite.com.my once the official results have been posted.
13) Medals
1) Breakfast
A light breakfast will be served to all participants when they finish the Tower Run at the top of The TOP.
2) Timing Chip
A timing chip attached to the bib will be included in the race entry pack for all runners
3) Drink Stations
There will be three drink stations along the route up to the top of the tower and one drink station along the 5km run route.
4) Insurance
One-Day Complimentary PA for all registered runners on 8th Jan 2023. (Subject to terms and conditions)
Sum Insured
Death due to Accident
Permanent Disablement due to Accidental Bodily Injury
5) Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/toptowerrun
Race website : race_the_top_tower_run_komtar_penang_2022.cfm
Rules & regulations
1. The TOP Tower Run is open to the general public who are 15 years and above, including international runners with valid passport. Age qualification is taken as at Sun 8th Jan 2023.
2. Race entry fees are non-refundable, non-transferable, and non-deferrable under any circumstances;
3. Change of details will not be allowed after race entry has been confirmed.
4. The Organizers reserve the right to limit, accept or reject any entries without prior notice and reasons;
5. The Organizers reserve the right to close the entries before the announced deadline without any notice or when the quota for the allocated slots have been fully taken up;
6. Bib transfer is strictly prohibited. Those who are found to have run the race using bibs of other runners will be disqualified and the Organizers reserve the right to ban these runners from The TOP Tower Run in future;
8. Participant must display his/her bibs in front of his/her bodies at all times. Failure to do so may result in disqualification from the race;
9. The Organizers reserve the right to prevent/stop a Participant from racing or continuing to race should he/she fail to follow the rules and regulation of the race;
10. Change in sizes during the race entry pack collection is strictly not allowed. Participant must adhere to the race event tee shirt sizes that he/she has registered for;
11. Participant must follow marshals' instruction and run on the designated route, failing which he/she will be disqualified from the race;
12. Whilst the organizers will take every possible steps and measures to ensure the safety of the Participant, the Participant is taking part at his/her entire own risks and the Organizers, their sponsors, their appointed officials and volunteers shall not be liable for any death or injury, loss or damage, suffered or otherwise and however arising;
13. The Organizers reserve the right to stop any Participants from continuing with the race if the participants are deemed to be physically incapable of continuing with the race, so as to avoid causing him/her greater harm/injury to himself or herself;
14. The Organizers reserve the right to change the event date and event venue at their own discretion;
15. The Organizers reserve the right to use any photographs (including those of Participants), motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose, including commercial advertising;
16. Participants must agree to receive from the organizers from time to time emails, SMS blast. Any notice sent by email from The Organizers or the party assigned by the Organizers to the supplied address on the registration form shall be assumed as received by the Participant.
17. Age verification- all winners must provide identification card (IC) or passport for age and identity verification at Race Secretariat within 15 minutes after they finish their races.
18. Should there be any protests on the official results, Participants must write in with evidence to The Organizers within 30 minutes after the official results are announced, with a protest fees of RM 200 in cash (non refundable if the protest is not upheld).
19. The Organizers reserve the right to delay the commencement of the race in the event of inclement weather or any form of acts of God (haze, flood, lightning, thunderstorm, typhoons and etc). Should the above mentioned conditions persist after the delay, deemed to be unsafe or impossible to proceed, the Organizers reserve the right to cancel the race without any refunds of fees or donations paid unless the Organizers have considerations to give a refund and The Organizers shall not be held liable for any loss or inconvenience caused.
20. The organizers reserve the right to amend the Rules & Regulations without giving prior notification or any reasons thereof.
21. Completion of the registration form and payment indicate that the Participant's agreement to abide by the above rules and regulation of the race.
Early Bird
Until 10th Oct '22
31st Dec'22
Tower Run
Run / Skywalk Combo
RM 63
RM 98
RM 70
RM 105
Registration Fee (excluding 6% administration charges)